1. My best friend got married on friday. It's weird, but I'm extremely happy for her. The wedding was SO much fun. I don't remember the last time I had that much fun. The ceremony was in the morning & it was so cute. There were 8 bridesmaids & 4 groomsman, so two girls to every guy. Me & Jordyn were in group 3 with Dustin's friend Cory. Our group mixed it up a little bit with an epic step back when walking down the aisle ;) The luncheon was cool, we got tons of good pictures :) & the reception was toooo much fun. Between the awesome DJ, the fun bridesmaids & groomsmen, & the photobooth, it was LEGIT.
2. Quinc was here all weekend too which was a lot of fun! we went shopping & I spent WAY too much money at Forever 21. We went to the Dixie game in STG for about a quarter, then drove home. I was fun, but also kinda pointless. Kayla came back with us & hung out for the night though. La & Q left super early on sunday to go back to UT. Lame!
3. For those that know me well, know that I have been inactive for a few years, but as of Sunday I have decided to go back to church. YAAYY. nothing specific made me decide, just the fact that I've missed it terribly, & I was in my room cleaning & noticed that my scriptures were getting dusty. Noootttt cool. Reminded me of this quote, "Show me a man whose Bible is falling apart and you will find a man whose life is not." So back to church I go. :)
4. The previous decision triggered a chain reaction of events, not all with happy outcomes. One of the big ones being that I think I am going to move to SLC before the start of the spring semester. I want to interpret. Bad. I also want to move. I hate Vegas. I have hated it since I was little, so in light of recent events, I hope to attend SLCC and get an apartment with Quinc, Amy, & Emilie. We hung out all weekend and got along so well. It was awesome. Amy is looking to move back west, and Q is looking to move out. Sooo.. SLC it is! Hopefully halloween weekend we will go up, hang out with Glo & Q, go to a halloween party, & scope out apts :)
Despite the somewhat crappy week, I still have a TON to be thankful for.
1. My step-sister, Tamara, had a little girl on sunday night. Welcome to the family, Lily :)
2. I seriously don't know what I would have done this week without Gloria, Emilie, Jake, Lissy & Quincey. They're awesome.
3.I love cardigans. & i bought a ton this weekend. oops ;)
4. I'm BEYOND thankful for filthy rich people. I nannied last last weekend for some of those kind of people. you know, the ones that money means NOTHING to them. They tipped me $200 the first night for 4 hours, & $500 the second night for 9 hours, plus paid for me to tale the kids to the tournament of the kings. The kids were hellions, but I dealt. That tip definitely helped me out a ton ;)
5. The constant that the church has been. It stays the same, despite of everything else that's always changing in my life. I really am blessed, even in the weeks that it's tough to remember that. <3
See you tomorrow for some confessions ;)
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