Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whoops, long time no see!

Well, let me update you on the goings on in my life.

1. My best friend got married on friday. It's weird, but I'm extremely happy for her. The wedding was SO much fun. I don't remember the last time I had that much fun. The ceremony was in the morning & it was so cute. There were 8 bridesmaids & 4 groomsman, so two girls to every guy. Me & Jordyn were in group 3 with Dustin's friend Cory. Our group mixed it up a little bit with an epic step back when walking down the aisle ;) The luncheon was cool, we got tons of good pictures :) & the reception was toooo much fun. Between the awesome DJ, the fun bridesmaids & groomsmen, & the photobooth, it was LEGIT.

2. Quinc was here all weekend too which was a lot of fun! we went shopping & I spent WAY too much money at Forever 21. We went to the Dixie game in STG for about a quarter, then drove home. I was fun, but also kinda pointless. Kayla came back with us & hung out for the night though. La & Q left super early on sunday to go back to UT. Lame!

3. For those that know me well, know that I have been inactive for a few years, but as of Sunday I have decided to go back to church. YAAYY. nothing specific made me decide, just the fact that I've missed it terribly, & I was in my room cleaning & noticed that my scriptures were getting dusty. Noootttt cool. Reminded me of this quote, "Show me a man whose Bible is falling apart and you will find a man whose life is not." So back to church I go. :)

4. The previous decision triggered a chain reaction of events, not all with happy outcomes. One of the big ones being that I think I am going to move to SLC before the start of the spring semester. I want to interpret. Bad. I also want to move. I hate Vegas. I have hated it since I was little, so in light of recent events, I hope to attend SLCC and get an apartment with Quinc, Amy, & Emilie. We hung out all weekend and got along so well. It was awesome. Amy is looking to move back west, and Q is looking to move out. Sooo.. SLC it is! Hopefully halloween weekend we will go up, hang out with Glo & Q, go to a halloween party, & scope out apts :)

Despite the somewhat crappy week, I still have a TON to be thankful for.

1. My step-sister, Tamara, had a little girl on sunday night. Welcome to the family, Lily :)

2. I seriously don't know what I would have done this week without Gloria, Emilie, Jake, Lissy & Quincey. They're awesome.

3.I love cardigans. & i bought a ton this weekend. oops ;)

4. I'm BEYOND thankful for filthy rich people. I nannied last last weekend for some of those kind of people. you know, the ones that money means NOTHING to them. They tipped me $200 the first night for 4 hours, & $500 the second night for 9 hours, plus paid for me to tale the kids to the tournament of the kings. The kids were hellions, but I dealt. That tip definitely helped me out a ton ;)

5. The constant that the church has been. It stays the same, despite of everything else that's always changing in my life. I really am blessed, even in the weeks that it's tough to remember that. <3

See you tomorrow for some confessions ;)

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