Monday, September 26, 2011

Skipping class, but not church.

Can I just say how horrible I am at going to my music class? I've taken it before, same teacher & all, but wasn't satisfied with my grade, so I'm taking it again. I go maybe half the time. but I do all the online work! So it doesn't matter.. right? Well, whatever. 

On a better note..
I went to church yesterday & it was awesome. You know that feeling you get when you've been on a really long vacation, but then you walk into your house? That's the only way I can describe the feeling of going back to church. I don't really know anyone in the singles ward, so I sat in the foyer by myself, but I still enjoyed the testimonies. & class was about the family responsibilities in the home, which was pretty perfect for me right now..

& Then I went to a fireside with Jordyn last night & I can't even explain how good it was. It was on adversity. It was AMAZING. These young adults, who have been through MUCH more than I can imagine, got up there & explained how they fell away from the church for a while, but when something major happened in their life, they realized how the church has been the only constant. It was seriously amazing. I loved it. 

I'm still somewhat uncomfortable in the single's ward though. I feel like everyone's just trying to get married, & I'm not yet. lol.

Well, as I was reading some scriptures during the sacrament yesterday I came across this scripture that is so perfect for me right now. 
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
This just reminds me that God does have a plan for me, & even when things don't seem to be going my way, I just have to remember that there is a time & a reason for everything. I'm a little out of practice, but I'm doing my best to trust in him (:

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