Friday, August 26, 2011

it's been a very interesting week..

& if that's not an understatement, I'm not sure what is. Sorry I missed thankful thursday, I was SO busy yesterday! (Happy birthday pretty Patrish <3) I got my classes all figured out FINALLY. I'm taking two online education classes, a photography & a music class. I'm SUPER stoked about my photography class. My mom is letting me use her camera & I'm BEYOND excited. I just hope I'm somewhat good ;) ha.

& Now for Confession Friday!

1. I confess that I am now completely obsessed with the show Switched at Birth. It's awesome & I enjoy watching them sign & everything. It's a really good show. Sad that's there's only 10 episodes, though!

2. I confess I have recently realized that I hate making a fool of myself. To a fault. It sometimes keeps me from taking risks & chances that I should. Gotta work on that!

3. I confess that I decided, since Utah stole all my bestfriends, I'm going to become a workaholic. Voluntarily. (Is that worse than those who do it involuntarily? lol) Since austin works weekend nights, I might as well too! That starts next week. WOOHOOO.

4. I confess that with that^ extra money, I plan to save some half of it, & invest the other half in a new wardrobe. Oh to be young, well-employed, & without responsibilities! ;)

5. I confess I freaking love Gloria. She's the BESTBESTBEST. I miss her lots <3

6. I confess Jake is planning on moving out soon, & I'm NOT happy. Then it'll just be me & my mama. Which isn't bad, but it'll just be much emptier :/

7. I confess that the biggest lesson I learned this week is how quickly things can go bad. It's funny how life works out. It's disappointing sometimes, but other times it works out for the best. I'm grateful for those that have stuck in around in my life. & others that haven't, apparently already have done their part in my story. So thanks, & see you around :)

8. I miss my big sis.

That's all for now :) until next time!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Confession Friday!

I confess..
  I have been addicted to How I met your mother lately. I just bought season 3 & I'm about to go to town :)

I confess..
  I hate dishes SO much. I hate getting my hands dirty. I hate getting them wet. I just hate everything about dishes. & I hate that I end up doing them at home & work.

I confess..
  I have such a potty mouth lately. I need to stop. it's so unladylike. yuck.

I confess..
  I have no heart for animals. Seriously, it's bad. Those commercials on tv don't really make me that sad. But I absolutely ADORE Jake's dog Eli. I call him Schmeli & he's just the cutest. I take him with me whenever I'm going somewhere and don't have to get out of the car :) He doesn't bark, lick, jump, or shed. He's awesome. & his treats make him look like he's smoking a cigar. CLASSY.

I confess...
  I need a workout buddy. I'm gonna buy new running shoes & I want someone to run with on the regular. I hate feeling out of shape.

I confess..
  I have the next two days off! woohoooo! too stoked to go help my big sis tomorrow with em, & to go see my brother on sunday with my mama :)

anyway, until next time! goodnight <3

Thursday, August 18, 2011

thursday thanks!

Long Post.. Ready, Set, GO! :D

I'm very thankful for..
 The family I work for. They are so chill & trust me fully with their kids, so it gives me a ton of freedom to still get things done while I'm at work.

I'm very thankful for..
  Pell grants. They allow me to go to school full time without taking out loans, which I love. Sometimes it's nice to be poor ;) ha.

I'm also so thankful for..
  The bad example that a TON of my family is. They make the mistakes so I don't have to. I'm sad for the choices they are making, but glad that I can see that & know that I want literally NOTHING to do with that lifestyle, whether I am still super active in the church or not.

I'm grateful that I..
   Know how to clean. This seems strange, but I hate when stuff is dirty. Even when I'm at work I clean a TON & I'm very strict about the kids cleaning up their own stuff. If I didn't know how to clean, then I'd go insane, seriously.

I'm very thankful for..
   Movies. They have been entertaining me so well lately. FYI: Something Borrowed & Pride and Prejudiced are my new favorite movies <3

I'm very thankful for..
   Cameras. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am slightly obsessed with pictures. I love capturing memories & lately I've been missing taking them. Let's finish this summer strong with lots of pictures ;)

So, for everything else going on in my life;

I bought a TV from Chrissy's fiance last weekend & it is GIANT. I'm in love with it. & since Austin got me Apple TV for my birthday, it's pretty much the most awesome set up ever. Jarid & Jerell came over to play super smash last night & stayed until 4:30AM. I passed out. Ha. They're going back to school tomorrow and I am so sad. Stinkin' Kansas!

My mom is coming home in the morning so I have been cleaning like a CRAZY person. My cousins are so messy. Living with 3 boys is rough, ha. But she abandoned me right after school got out for her, & went to CA to stay with her husband, Kim for the summer. I've missed her WAYYY too much. So stoked she's gonna finally be home! :D

School is STILL not figured out. The school decided they had to "verify" my FAFSA, & my transcripts are still processing. I have no idea what to do about classes, but I definitely can't take the ones I need to, unfortunately :/ YAY! another waste of a semester. I hate being behind >:(

Nicholas & Jameson are leaving on Wednesday to go to San Diego. Nicholas is staying there for school, but Jameson is coming back for a week and a half or so. I'm so sad that they're leaving. The house is gonna be so empty without them!

My best friend, basically sister, Emilie, is moving to St. George, & I'm extremely upset about it. I'm gonna miss her. Utah is stealing all the cool people! Gloria, Em, Kimmie, Quinc.. Maannnn :(

I loveeee football season. I can't wait for it to start. me & Jake are gonna watch SO much football :D :D toooo stoked :)

OHH & last but not least.. I HATE JERSEY SHORE. It always ruins my plans. I always have thursday or friday off, so I can actually do stuff on thursday nights, but everyone (Austin & Em) INSIST on watching that stupid show. So yes, I do hate it. I can't wait for the new season of Grey's though :D